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  The 2-part feature-length documentary "25 ze šedesátých aneb Československá nová vlna" ("25 from the Sixties, or Czechoslovak New Wave") presents a complex view of the phenomenon of Czech and Slovak New Wave in the cultural and social context of the 60's. 25 fundamental films commented on by their makers and film historians offer the viewer a dramatic insight into the golden era of Czechoslovak cinema.  The documentary is a follow-up on the biographical TV series "Zlatá šedesátá" (Czech Television, 2009), based on the filmmakers' personal remembrances. As opposed to the series, the documentary presents the Czech and Slovak cinema of the 60's in the national, international and also inter-generational context. It describes the ways the New Wave crossed the existing artistic boundaries, how it variegated the world cinema and where it left an ineffaceable impression. It analyses the work of filmmakers in a state-funded cinema, under the pressure of ideological demands on one hand and commerce on the other. It presents the dilemma of a man - an artist - on the edge between contradictory social systems and incongruous aesthetic requirements. The existential drama of a man acting freely and at the same time mercilessly crushed by the wheels of the system.  The 60's are, from this point of view, mostly an era of fortunate historical constellation, not only in - at that time - Czechoslovakia, but on a world-wide scale. An era of expectations and upswing, but also an era of exemplary human decisions and artistic pursuit. Those are some of the things "25 ze šedesátých aneb Československá nová vlna" wants to commemorate.  Part 1 comments on:  ■"Slnko v sieti" ("The Sun in a Net," 1962) by Štefan Uher  ■"Konkurs" ("Audition," 1963) by Miloš Forman  ■"Křik" ("The Cry," 1963) by Jaromil Jireš  ■"Postava k podpírání" ("Joseph Kilian," 1963) by Pavel Juráček & Jan Schmidt  ■"Každý den odvahu" ("Courage for Every Day," 1964) by Evald Schorm  ■"Démanty noci" ("Diamonds of the Night," 1964) by Jan Němec  ■"Intimní osvětlení" ("Intimate Lighting," 1966) by Ivan Passer  ■"Ať žije republika" ("Long Live the Republic," 1965) by Karel Kachyňa  ■"Obchod na korze" ("The Shop on Main Street," 1965) by Ján Kadár & Elmar Klos  ■"Romance pro křídlovku" ("Romance for Bugle," 1966) by Otakar Vávra  ■"Sedmikrásky" ("Daisies," 1966) by Věra Chytilová  ■"Ostře sledované vlaky" ("Closely Watched Trains," 1966) by Jiří Menzel  Part 2 comments on:  ■"Kristove roky" ("The Prime of Life," 1967) by Juraj Jakubisko  ■"Stud" ("Shame," 1967) by Ladislav Helge  ■"Svatba jako řemen" ("A Hard and Fast Marriage," 1967) by Jiří Krejčík  ■"Drak sa vracia" ("Dragon's Return," 1967) by Eduard Grečner  ■"Marketa Lazarová" ("Marketa Lazarová," 1967) by František Vláčil  ■"Spřízněni volbou" ("Elective Affinities," 1968) by Karel Vachek  ■"Spalovač mrtvol" ("The Cremator," 1968) by Juraj Herz  ■"Zabitá neděle" ("Squandered Sunday," 1969) by Drahomíra Vihanová  ■"Pasťák" ("The Decoy," 1968) by Hynek Bočan  ■"Případ pro začínajícího kata" ("Case for a Rookie Hangman," 1969) by Pavel Juráček  ■"322" ("322," 1969) by Dušan Hanák  ■"Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade" ("Celebration in the Botanical Garden," 1969) by Elo Havetta  ■"Všichni dobří rodáci" ("All My Good Countrymen," 1968) by Vojtěch Jasný


中华 6.0 第1集 未知  由北京市委宣传部策划、指导,北京广播电视台承制的大型纪录片《中华》系列第一部《龙的传人》,这是一部以考古成果为依托、以故事为载体,全景展示中华文明起源、形成和发展历程的纪录片。该片以时间为脉络,从远古
中华 纪录
紫禁城 4.0 已完结 共12集 谭江海  节目以“紫禁城”为眼,以“变局”为切入点,用《王者》《基业》《远路》《惊变》《际遇》《异象》《交融》《盛世》《思危》《图存》《破晓》《新生》12个篇章,站在大历史的视角,选取中国近600年历史进程中若
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长城内外 5.0 已完结 共5集 王非茵    经过一年多的筹备摄制,由怀柔区委宣传部和中央电视台共同出品的全国首部5集高清长城纪录片《长城内外》,登陆央视CCTV-10科教频道《探索·发现》栏目首播。  《长城内外》纪录片具体播出时间为,20
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星期日档案粤语 8.0 更新至第20240602期 未知  《星期日檔案》,每周聚焦於熱門新聞人物,特寫報道;或以人性化角度,透過走訪社會不同階層,不同界別人士,深入探討大眾關切的政治、社會民生等議題。
星期日档案粤语 记录
打破边界:我们星球的科学 5.0 HD 大卫·爱登堡 Elena Bennett Jason Box 特里·休斯 Anne Larigauderie Cheikh Mbow María Neira Carlos Nobre Veerabhadran Ramanathan 约翰·罗克斯特伦 Daniella Teixeira 格蕾塔·通贝里 Ricarda Winkelmann    《打破界限:拯救我们的星球》由大卫·艾登堡爵士解说,由 Silverback Films 负责制作,该获奖团队此前制作过具有里程碑意义的《我们的星球》系列和《大卫·艾登堡:我和我们的星球》。本片将
打破边界:我们星球的科学 记录
死亡乐队 7.0 HD 亨利·罗林斯 艾利斯·库柏 Bobby Hackney Dannis Hackney  在坏脑筋,性手枪甚至雷蒙斯之前,都有死亡。Death由来自底特律的三个十几岁的兄弟于70年代初组成,被认为是第一个黑人朋克乐队。
死亡乐队 电影 纪录
大男孩清醒路 4.0 HD 伊莲·麦克米伦·谢尔登  在美国阿片类药物流行的中心地带,四名男子试图重塑自己的生活,并在多年吸毒后重新回到清醒的社会。《康复男孩》由奥斯卡提名导演伊莱恩·麦克米安·谢尔顿(Elaine McMillion Sheldon饰演
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营救长颈鹿之漫漫归途 2.0 HD Stephen Chege David O'Connor Mike Parkei Rebby Chepchumba Sebei  肯亞東非大裂谷中曾經戰亂不斷。如今這裡的居民開始聯手拯救一群因大洪水而受困,且瀕臨滅絕的長頸鹿。
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罗马四大圣殿 1.0 HD 阿德里亚诺·吉安尼尼  在电影《罗马四大圣殿》的95分钟内,四位专家将解说这些教堂及其所珍藏的艺术品:梵蒂冈博物馆馆长安东尼奥·帕卢奇将带我们参观圣彼得大教堂,国际知名建筑师保罗·波特菲斯将声情并茂地对拉特朗圣若望大教堂进行
罗马四大圣殿 电影 纪录
大国创新 3.0 第26集 未知  《大国创新》是一档大型融媒体互动访谈节目,以展大国风采,树创新精神为口号,通过访谈对话、品牌推介等多种节目形式,全面展现中国企业家持续创新核心竞争力、勇于开拓市场边界、积极传承优秀文化的中国品牌故事。
大国创新 纪录