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  Wounded and on the run, notorious gunman Quirt Evans (John Wayne) gallops onto a farm owned by Quaker Thomas Worth (John Halloran) and his family and collapses. When Quirt urgently insists upon sending a telegram, Thomas and his daughter Penelope (Gail Russell) drive him into town in their wagon. After wiring a claim to the land recorder's office, Quirt kisses Penny and then passes out. Ignoring the doctor's advice to rid themselves of the gunman, the compassionate Worth family tends to the delirious Quirt, and Penny becomes intrigued by his ravings of past loves.  Quirt recovering under the care of the two women (from left to right: Rich, Russell, and Wayne)  Days later, when Quirt regains consciousness, Penny patiently explains the family's belief in non-violence. Three weeks later, Laredo Stevens (Bruce Cabot) and Hondo Jeffries (Louis Faust) ride into town looking for Quirt. When Penny's younger brother Johnny (Stephen Grant) rushes home to inform Quirt of his visitors, Quirt quickly prepares to flee. Penny, now smitten with Quirt, offers to run off with him. At the sound of approaching horses, Quirt grabs his gun and discovers that it has been emptied. Training his gun on the doorway, Quirt calmly greets Hondo and Laredo. Thinking that Quirt has the upper hand, Laredo offers to buy his claim. When Quirt sets the price at $20,000, Laredo hands over $5,000 in gold and challenges him to come for the balance when he is able – if he has the nerve.  Afterward, Quirt saddles his horse, but when Penny begs him to stay, he changes his mind. Later, Quirt learns that cantankerous rancher Frederick Carson (Paul Hurst) has dammed up the stream that runs through the valley, thus draining the Worths' irrigation ditches. Quirt intimidates Carson into opening the dam.  One Sunday, Penny asks Quirt to join the family for a ride. Before they leave, Marshal Wistful McClintock (Harry Carey) comes to question Quirt about a stagecoach robbery. The family swears that Quirt was with them at the time. The marshal then asks Quirt why he resigned as Wyatt Earp's deputy, sold his ranch and crossed over to the wrong side of the law soon after cattleman Walt Ennis was gunned down in a saloon brawl. When Quirt refuses to answer, the marshal leaves. Penny then begs Quirt to steer clear of Laredo, and he acquiesces because of his love for her.  As Quirt and the Worths ride to the Quaker gathering, Quirt's erstwhile sidekick, Randy McCall (Lee Dixon), tags along. Randy tells Quirt that Laredo plans to rustle a herd of cattle and suggests that they then steal the herd from Laredo and let him take the blame. Mr. Worth gives Quirt a Bible for ending the feud with Carson. Fearing that he will never be able to live up to Penny's expectations, Quirt abruptly leaves with Randy.  Quirt and Randy steal the herd from the original rustlers. They then celebrate with showgirls Lila Neal (Joan Barton) and Christine Taylor (Rosemary Bertrand). When Lila, sensing a change in her old flame, teases Quirt about his Bible, Quirt becomes angry and rides back to the Worth farm. Overjoyed, Penny throws her arms around him, just as the marshal arrives to question Quirt about the rustling. Quirt states that Lila can provide him with an alibi. Penny is hurt that Quirt was with his old flame, who she heard him talk about in his delirium, thinking Quirt prefers Lila's fair hair. Quirt realizes the depth of his feelings for Penny, and they kiss hungrily in the barn, while the camera fades.  The marshal warns Quirt that he is the wrong man for Penny. Quirt decides to propose to her anyway. Instead of replying, Penny invites Quirt to join her picking blackberries. Quirt answers Penny's questions about his early life. Kindly Walt Ennis raised him after his parents were massacred by Indians. Then Ennis was murdered.  Quirt and Penny are ambushed and chased by Laredo and Hondo on their way home. Their wagon plunges over a cliff into the river, causing Penny to develop a dangerous fever. When the doctor informs Quirt that there is no hope for her, Quirt straps on his pistol and rides into town to exact revenge. After Quirt leaves, Penny's fever suddenly breaks.  In town, Quirt sends Bradley to tell Laredo and Hondo he is waiting for them in the street. Penny and her family arrive. She gets Quirt to surrender his gun to her. As Laredo and Hondo draw their guns, Marshal McClintock shoots them both. Quirt rides off in the wagon with Penny. The marshal picks up Quirt's discarded weapon. Bradley comments that Quirt may need the weapon, to which the marshal says, "Only a man who carries a gun ever needs one." And, the film fades to black.


天使与魔鬼2009 8.0 HD 汤姆·汉克斯 伊万·麦克格雷格 阿耶莱特·祖里尔 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 皮耶尔弗兰切斯科·法维诺 尼古拉·雷·卡斯 阿明·缪勒-斯塔尔 托尔·林德哈特 大卫·帕斯奎斯 科西莫·福斯科 维克多·埃菲尔 科特·罗文斯 鲍勃·耶基斯  本片根据美国畅销作家丹?布朗的同名小说改编。欧洲核子中心的科学家维多利亚?维特勒(阿耶莱特?祖瑞尔 Ayelet Zurer 饰)与父亲在高速粒子对撞机实验中收集到了反物质,却发现父亲遇害,尸体胸口被
天使与魔鬼2009 悬疑
天使与魔鬼 8.0 HD 陈宝国 李芸  取材于王朔的小说《一半是火焰,一半是海水》。劳改犯郑天在狱中将自己的经历写成剧本,后被一家电影厂采用。他刑满释放后,应电影厂之邀饰演男主角A。一天,他到摄制组报到,惊奇地发现扮演女主角白云的演员B,竟
天使与魔鬼 剧情
CROSS ANGE 天使与龙的轮舞 连载:已完结 桑岛法子 田村由香里 喜多村英梨 水树奈奈 石原夏织  以主人公安久为轴,描写战斗少女们的群像剧。故事讲述了掌握了高端情报技术“玛娜”的人类,借助它的力量克服了地球上的战争、饥饿、污染等问题,终于迎来了和平的理想乡。
CROSS ANGE 天使与龙的轮舞 动漫 日本动漫
天使与我同桌 6.0 HD中字 凯瑞·福克斯 Alexia Keogh Karen Fergusson Iris Churn Kevin J. Wilson    作家珍妮特(凯瑞·福克斯 Kerry Fox饰)的一生因为苦难而坎坷,因为文字而闪光。自小,家境贫寒的她就敏感内敛,不懂与人沟通,即使学习优秀,仍然不能给她的童年灌入半点骄傲。只有一头扎紧文学的世
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天使与魔鬼 HD 汤姆·汉克斯 伊万·麦克格雷格 阿耶莱特·祖里尔 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德  本片根据美国畅销作家丹•布朗的同名小说改编。欧洲核子中心的科学家维多利亚•维特勒(阿耶莱特•祖瑞尔 Ayelet Zurer 饰)与父亲在高速粒子对撞机实验中收集到了反物质,却发现父亲遇害,尸体胸口被
天使与魔鬼 动作
天使与我同桌1990 HD 凯瑞·福克斯 Alexia Keogh Karen Fergusson Iris Churn Kevin J. Wilson    作家珍妮特(凯瑞·福克斯 Kerry Fox饰)的一生因为苦难而坎坷,因为文字而闪光。自小,家境贫寒的她就敏感内敛,不懂与人沟通,即使学习优秀,仍然不能给她的童年灌入半点骄傲。只有一头扎紧文学的世
天使与我同桌1990 剧情
傻瓜与天使 8.0 已完结 比尔·普莱姆顿  天性爱捣乱的痞子长出了一对翅膀,千方百计想拔掉它,偏偏翅膀像胡子一样,刮了又生,没完没了。随后,翅膀控制着痞子,不但日行多善,甚至英雄救美,完全不管痞子是否真的想当个好人。直到有天,怪医生与酒吧老板打
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天使与恶徒 已完结 Luke Perry Lou Diamond Phillips Deborah Kara Unger Terence Kelly  一个粗野的牛仔能放下双臂,过农夫的平静生活吗?还是大敌的凶残袭击会迫使他重新行动?约翰·韦恩 (John Wayne) 在这部 1947 年的经典边疆剧(现在是新的电脑彩色版本)中饰演一名面临困境的曾
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小天使与流浪汉 6.0 已完结 苏世一 王煜 汤镇业 李彧  每天的课外班,辅导班,令三年级的夏诗源不堪重负,和妈妈大吵一架后,夏诗源离家出走,之后她遇到了一位善良的流浪汉,在流浪汉的帮助下她明白了父母对她的爱,回到家中和妈妈好好沟通,妈妈也答应以后不再逼她。
小天使与流浪汉 电影
天使与魔鬼(普通话版) 正片 汤姆·汉克斯 伊万·麦克格雷格 阿耶莱特·祖里尔 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德  本片根据美国畅销作家丹•布朗的同名小说改编。欧洲核子中心的科学家维多利亚•维特勒(阿耶莱特•祖瑞尔 Ayelet Zurer 饰)与父亲在高速粒子对撞机实验中收集到了反物质,却发现父亲遇害,尸体胸口被
天使与魔鬼(普通话版) 动作
《但丁密码》前传,几分钟看懂宗教悬疑巨作《天使与魔鬼》古老光照派的复仇,丹布朗小说改编 7.0 电影解说 未知  《但丁密码》前传,几分钟看懂宗教悬疑巨作《天使与魔鬼》古老光照派的复仇,丹布朗小说改编
《但丁密码》前传,几分钟看懂宗教悬疑巨作《天使与魔鬼》古老光照派的复仇,丹布朗小说改编 电影解说


猎赝 7.0 HD中字 未知  真品到赝品的颠覆,年轻的画家们如何面对名利的诱惑,中年画家们如何面对自身的不足?赝品出、猎心起、结局定。
猎赝 爱情
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茜茜公主3国语 爱情
茜茜公主2国语 8.0 HD 罗密·施耐德 卡尔海因茨·伯姆 玛格达·施奈德 古斯塔夫·克努特 威尔玛·德吉舍尔    维也纳盛大的皇家婚礼之后,茜茜(罗密·施奈德 Romy Schneider 饰)开始皇后的生活。她慢慢地调整自己以适应奥地利宫廷生活,但她发现与皇太后苏菲(玛达·施耐德 Magda Schneid
茜茜公主2国语 爱情
我的鬼魂爱人 2.0 HD Faleena Hopkins Patrick Zeller  麦克斯和艾比是一对幸福的夫妻。一场意外夺走了麦克斯。当艾比无比痛苦时,奇怪的事情发生了,麦克斯的鬼魂回来帮助她摆脱自己。但有了第二次机会在一起,两人都不想再说再见…
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