

动漫 国产动漫 2019 美国


导演:Denny Lu Mike Myhre 

主演:塔拉·斯特朗 Doc Harris 约翰·德·兰西 阿尔文·桑德斯 安德莉亚·利布曼 凯莉·谢里丹 阿什莉·鲍尔 Nicole Oliver 塔比莎·杰曼 凯西·薇瑟乐克 凯瑟琳·巴尔 Sunni Westbrook Mark Acheson 安德鲁·弗朗西斯 布瑞特·麦考利普 


剧情:  Well, here it is everybody, the final season of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic", one of the most popular things that we as humans have ever created. Here we get to see a new villain called Grogar summon the other My Little Pony villains. We get King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Heart gathered together. What's great is that everybody stays in character. King Sombra wants to go back and conquer the Crystal Empire on his own. He actually does seem to do that!  I just love how fast paced everything is in this episode! There's also the other plot about Princess Celestia and Princess Luna giving up their ruling title to Twilight and her friends. I would like to see if they inherit their powers too. The animation is probably the best it's ever been at. Only appropriate for the final season. Thanks for the memories!


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从士兵到君主动态漫画 动漫 国产动漫
眷思量 9.0 更新至第17集 凃雄飞 段艺璇 姜广涛 王潇倩 赵岭 宝木中阳 周侗    讲述了异界仙岛上神族少年与凡人少女步步惊心、险境迭起的东方绮梦。
眷思量 国产动漫
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